Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Group Progression in Society Essay

The pressures of society force humans into groups, whether to change something, unite, or to feel a sense of belonging. Nonetheless, it can be difficult to find what groups you may fit into and these groups can change as you transform into a more critical thinker. Studs Terkel tells the story a of Ku Klux Klan member turned school board activist, C.P. Ellis, in his essay, â€Å"C.P. Ellis.† Ellis’ struggles and realizations prove what critical thinking and self-examination can do. Mike Rose’s essay, â€Å"I Just Wanna Be Average† also displays the importance of growing through groups and how changing mental habits can help transform one into a more efficient critical thinker, therefore allowing one to surpass the cultural myths placed upon them. Gary Colombo enlightens readers by defining and giving advice on how to transform oneself into a critical thinker in his essay, â€Å"Thinking Critically, Challenging Cultural Myths†. Colombo argues that by thinking critically and challenging the norms of our society we can fight to be the people we truly want to be. Humans form into groups subconsciously as well as consciously. Consequently, these groups we cast ourselves into are the very things that can hold us back from becoming true individuals. By reexamining old ways and becoming active critical thinkers, members of society can participate in groups in a manner which will allow them to grow intellectually and outlast the cultural myths that is society has placed upon them. Groups have a large impact on society since they are constructed to allow humans to do more than they would be able to as mere individuals. However, groups can often hinder the thought process of individuals and may cause people to settle for less than what they are actually capable of. The â€Å"cultural myth† of belonging in society can cause individuals to become immersed in a group’s ideas wholly instead of blending them with their own beliefs. Ellis recalls when his former Klansmen called him after he started working for integration on the school board with Ann Atwater, African American women. â€Å"My old friends would call me at night: ‘C.P, what the hell is wrong with you? You’re selling out the white race.’ This begin to make me have guilt feelin’s. [. . .] My mind was beginnin’ to open up. I was beginnin’ to see what was right and what was wrong. I don’t want the kids to fight forever† (405). Had Ellis remained a narrow-minded member of the Ku Klux Klan his judgments and perceptions would have continued to be overly influenced by the Klan’s extremist beliefs. By expanding his mind Ellis was able to work on non-Klan related issues and overcome his racist tendencies thus transforming him into a more independent thinker. Critical thinking such as this is essential in being able to think independently opposed to being over powered by a group’s point of view and opinions. Colombo defines critical thinking as â€Å"a matter of dialogue and debate – discovering relationships between apparently unrelated ideas, finding parallels between your own experiences and the ideas you read about, exploring points of agreement and conflict between yourself and other people† (9). By applying these skills Ellis talked through the issues on the school board and reexamined his relationship with Ms. Atwater which in turn matured his critical thinking abilities. These critical mental skills will enable one to choose which groups they truly belong to instead of merely becoming a drone in order to fulfill their own senses of belonging. However, not all group enrollment and involvement is by the choice of its members. Some are pieced together by members whose superiors have placed them in said groups. In some cases, placement into these groups can impede on the development of critical and independent thinking. Mike Rose’s unjust placement into his school’s vocational is a prime example of this forced-group hindrance. Colombo states that â€Å"[c]ultural myths become so closely identified with our personal beliefs that rereading them means rereading ourselves, rethinking the way we see the world. Questioning long-held assumptions can be an exhilarating experience, but it can be distressing too† (8). By rethinking the groups’ society places us in we can gain a better understanding of ourselves as well as a better perception of the cultural myths that hold our true identities down. Rose tells about that the defenses mechanisms that he and his classmates built up to deal with the below average, self-image that the vocational track gave them, â€Å"[they] to twist the knife in [their] own grey matter† in order to stand up to the mental wear-and-tear of the vocational schooling process. Rose delves further into this process: You’ll have to shut down, have to reject intellectual stimuli or diffuse them with sarcasm, have to cultivate stupidity, have to convert boredom from a malady into a way of confronting the world. Keep your vocabulary simple, act stoned when you’re not or act more stoned than you are, flaunt ignorance, materialize your dreams. It is a powerful and effective defense – it neutralizes the insult and the frustration of being a vocati onal kid. (Rose 162) Defenses like the ones used in Rose’s essay cause individuals to do the bare minimum and do not allow individuals to grow within the group but rather the opposite; it stunts their identities and makes them complacent rather than questioning the world around causing a lack of internal expansion. By questioning the cultural myths of society and expanding the mind to think more critically individuals will be able to broaden their intellectual and social horizons. Ellis reminiscences at the end of the essay about his person growth by saying that â€Å"our troubles are over with. They say the older you get, the harder it is for you to change. Since I changed, I’ve set down and listened to tapes of Martin Luther King. I listen to it and tears come to my eyes’ cause I know what he’s sayin’ now. I know what’s happenin’† (408). By progressing through groups (the Ku Klux Klan and school board) Ellis was able to become a critical thinker and overcome the many cultural myths of his life. Similarly, Rose progressed to become a critical thinker. By going from vocational track to college prep, Rose was forced to reassess his self in order to become the type of student and person he wanted to be upon entering college prep. â€Å"I’d been mediocre for too long and enjoyed a public redefinition. And I suppose the inner workings of my mind, such as they were, had been private for too long† says Rose on regards to his switch and achievement in college prep (166). Both of these experiences show that by reevaluating the cultural myths in society and growing through different groups individuals can become critical thinkers and redefine themselves as the people they want to be. Society is filled with cultural myths and pre-assigned groups for its members. Only by overcoming these myths and growing intellectually can individuals become who they want to be rather than what society decrees them to. The experiences of Rose and Terkel show what critical thinking and group progression can do to one’s true self. Since Colombo defines critical thinking in his essay, the two experiences of Rose and Terkel allow the idea to be brought to life and put his work into context. Upon building critical thinking skills and experiencing group progression throughout life, individuals will be able to gain a multifaceted understanding of their true selves. This understanding will allow individuals to delve into the critical thinking and lead them to constantly challenge the world and groups around them. Works Citied Colombo, Gary. â€Å"Thinking Challenging Critically, Cultural Myths.† Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Eds. Colombo, G., Cullen, R., and Lisle, B. Boston: Bedfortd/St. Martin’s, 2010. 1-15. Print. Rose, Mike. â€Å"I Just Wanna Be Average.† Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Eds. Colombo, G., Cullen, R., and Lisle, B. Boston: Bedfortd/St. Martin’s, 2010. 157-169. Print. Terkel, Studs. â€Å"â€Å"C.P. Ellis.†.† Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Eds. Colombo, G., Cullen, R., and Lisle, B. Boston: Bedfortd/St. Martin’s,

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Are Geishas Glamorous Prostitutes or Art Forms? Essay

The article narrates the life of a geisha and the role that they play in Japanese society and culture. Geishas represent the Japanese culture. The image of a geisha dancing or playing a musical instrument is a cultural metaphor tied up with the Japanese. Books, movies, posters, pictures, and forms of art and literature directly related to the Japanese culture involve stories and images of the geisha. Although most people see geishas and think about Japan, they do not really know the kind of life that geishas live. Some people say geishas are prostitutes, while some others say they are works of art. In part, the article reveals the concept of mizuage, which is clearly a form of prostitution. As the author continued to write, the life of a geisha, however, was represented to be a life of mastery and perfection of art. Geishas were roughly trained to play the shamisen, to put on make up and dress properly called iki, or to dance and sing gracefully and wonderfully. Geishas are looked upon for fashion, beauty and grace. Geishas epitomize the Japanese woman and the culture. The life of the geisha is entirely dedicated to art and beauty, and this image remains to live as geishas continue to represent the culture and the nature of the Japanese society. The article remains to be on the middle ground when used to answer the issue regarding geishas being prostitutes or art forms. Although this article leans toward the idea of the life of a geisha as a life of mastery and perfection of art, the concept of mizuage was explicated, revealing the other side of the geisha life, which is prostitution. Moreover, the idea of seduction was implicitly embedded on the concept of the geisha life. The mizuage is a fee paid by a man to the Okiya mother as payment for a geisha’s virginity. The highest bidder among the men shall be the one to pay for it. The physical appearance of the geisha is also intended to seduce men, by wearing thick make-up and long dresses. These ideas written in the article suggest that geishas were indeed prostitutes. However, the author continues to reiterate the art and beauty in the life in the geisha. They represent the Japanese culture and society, and have undergone numerous experiences apart from the geisha life during the war, encounter with the western culture, and the changes that come along with modernity. Ultimately, this article is a good source of unbiased information answering the question whether geishas are prostitutes or art forms, and narrates how geishas have transformed from the traditional to the modern woman of Japan. This impartiality becomes the strength of the article, and sets it apart from the other articles that shall be reviewed in the following pages. Furthermore, this article is a good source for presenting both sides of the issue in class. Shelton, Chrystine & Makela, Lee A. â€Å"The History of Geisha and Their Role in Japanese Society and Culture. † Contemporary Japan in Perspective. Google Scholar. 28 April 2008. 12 October 2003. < http://scholar. google. com. ph/scholar? hl=en&lr=&q=%22The+History+of+Geisha+and+Their+Role+in+Japanese+Society+and+Culture%22&btnG=Search>. Geisha (Book Review) by Takie Sugiyama Lebra The article is a review of the book â€Å"Geisha† written by Liza Crihfield Dalby, who went to Japan to experience the life of a geisha. Through training, she became a geisha, primarily because of her knowledge of shamisen, and was accepted in the east as one of the most prominent geishas of all time. Dalby was a Japanese language speaker and she has been learning the art of shamisen since she was still young. She stayed in Japan for a year and four months, in order to experience the geisha life and later write a book the describes how it is to become a geisha. According to Dalby, the geisha must be able to carry out two roles during geishahood. The first one is being able to train and obtain comprehensive and excellent skills in dancing and music. The second one is training to be able to entertain male guests in the teahouses. Geishas are well respected and looked upon as models of society and icons of success. Geishas are also the epitomes of fashion and glamour. In tea houses, the role of geishas are to accompany men, pour sake while they dine, and entertain the male guests through stories and dance or musical presentation. Although the image and the purpose of the geisha are limited to these concepts, geishas are being tied to prostitution because of history. However, geishahood remains to be decent and productive as a representation of the Japanese culture and artistry. The viewpoint of the review, as based on Dalby’s experiences, implied that the life of a geisha is not learning towards prostitution. This is because of the fact the role of geisha is explicated in terms of politics, family and marriage. The image of geishas as prostitutes dates back to history when women use the concept of geishahood in becoming courtesans. However, the true essence of being a geisha relies on artistry and knowledge. Apparently, geishas get involved with politics because of their relationship with men who hold powerful positions within society. Geishas are allowed to fall in love with men they like, and they can switch roles and opt to leave geishahood in order to become teahouse managers, mistresses, or wives. This article encourages the reader to look through the book that Dalby wrote in order to gain first hand information about the geisha life. If there is one person who can answer the question of whether geishas are prostitutes or art forms, Dalby would be the likely suspect. The review was able to sum up all the ideas narrated in the book and include added information about the important role the geishas play in society. What makes this article stand out between the two articles is that it reiterates the meaningful roles of geishas as they become involved with politics, the family and the married life. Although there was somewhat a connotation of geishas being involved with sexual activity, the article tries to focus on the essence of being a true geisha, sans the malice. This is important in presenting the class with meaningful information the elevates an individuals’ ideas and perceptions of the geisha. What I mean is that, if the first article concentrates on the glamour and artistry there is in geishahood, this review delves deeper into the geisha world and acknowledges the meaning and significance of being a geisha as a member of society. Lebra, Sugiyama Takie. â€Å"Geisha. † Liza Crihfield Darby. Pacific Affairs, Vol. 57 No. 4. University of British Columbia. 28 April 2008 < http://www. jstor. org/stable/2758733>. Yoshiwara: The Glittering World of the Japanese Courtesan by Cecilia Segawa Seigle The book, written by Seigle, talks about prostitution beginning from the history of Japan. The book starts to describe the concept of prostitution and how it all started in the country, and its connection to the Yoshiwara geisha. Although the book talks about courtesans and prostitutions, the book denies geishahood as a form of prostitution. Geishas in the past were both men and women, who were skilled in playing a musical instrument, dancing, and repartee. They were dressed conservatively yet fashionably and groomed neatly. Courtesans were the complete opposite of the geishas. They were vulgarly dressed and were hired by men for sexual interactions. The book narrated the geishas were simply employed in teahouses in order to accompany and entertain the customers, but is only limited to decency and conservativeness. Due to their artistic skills and knowledge in engaging conversations, the geishas during that time became more popular than the courtesans. This ushered the connection between the geisha life and prostitution as more and more courtesans who cannot compete with the geishas learned the art of playing musical instruments and dancing. Although at that time, the geisha and the courtesan were almost similar in acquired skills, one would notice the geisha from the other just by looking at the clothes and the manner of grooming. The book clearly states the distinction between being a geisha and a courtesan. The book claims the non-involvement of geishas to prostitution. According to the author, geishas were all about artistry and entertainment, and not engaging in sexual activity for money. The book creates a distinction between prostitution and geishahood. Unlike the two articles previously discussed, the book suggests that the image of geishas is not tinted with prostitution and vulgarity as opposed to what most people think. Although the title of the book suggests prostitution and the life of courtesans, geishas were not considered to be part of the group, and were actually responsible for the decline of the popularity of courtesans. Interestingly enough, the fame and popularity of geishas downplayed the prominence of courtesans during that time. Perhaps, Japanese men wanted more meaning and sense out of the women who accompany them in teahouses, such as entertainment and sensible conversations. The book is effective enough to point out why geishas are different from courtesans and why they should not be related to prostitution. The book reiterated the role of geishas to be connected with art and skills. If the first article talked about the glamour in geishahood, and the second article talked about the meaning in the geisha life, the book talks about the real roles of geisha. It ties up all the ideas from the two articles and the book itself to form one unifying idea that geisha is not prostitution. Although the two articles remain to imply the prostitution in the geisha life, the glamour, the meaning, and the important role of being a geisha still remains to be the most significant image that geishahood is trying to portray. Seigle, Cecilia Segawa. â€Å"Yoshiwara: The Glittering World of the Japanese Courtesan. † University of Hawaii Press. Questia Media America, 310 pgs. , 1993. 28 April 2008 < http://www. questia. com/read/596793>.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Case & Moral Case for Diversity-Free-Samples-Myassignment

There is a need to portray a moral case for diversity that has something to do with the different direction for improvement in the Woolworth organizational bottom line. There is a need for improvement in the profitability measures of the Woolworth organization that is nevertheless to be wrong in their bottomline. The diversity in the business case needs to have several ove ing in the rate of shortage of the skills that has a talent for the wars. There are markets that are eventually diverse in the course of the diversion of the markets. There is a need to create a promotional innovation that helps in the creativity of the team. In this report, the organization that has been chosen to be evaluated through the different business care processes is Woolworth. The Woolworths supermarkets is considered as the Australian supermarket that helps in the grocery and the different supermarket chains that helps in the chains owned (Woolworths .au 2017). The organization is a retail one that has its headquarters in the South Wales in Australia and has made some of the brand people like the Brad Banducci that is the Director of the Australian supermarkets, earns revenue upto $42.132 billion (2015), and has the employees until 111000. The Woolworth organization is engaged in mostly selling of the different groceries and sells different stationery items like the DVDs and the magazines (Ashikali and Groeneveld 2015). The current operating stores have different supermarkets like the 968 and have additional convenience in carrying out the same logos in the stores. The store was founded in 1924 in September that lies under the name of the Wallworths bazaar ltd that is internationally known. Later it was internationally known that helps in the name of the internationally renowned Woolworth market. Initially it had no plan for overseas expansion but later it did expand to different parts of the world (Klopf, et al. 2017). There is a need to accelerate on the growth of the trading events that helps in the growth of the brand that is initially instigated. The shareholders are interested in accepting this accelerated brand growth that are involved in trading at a continuous operational pace. The interest of the consumers started a year back that helps in analyzing the sales of the operations (Dennissen, Benschop and van den Brink 2016). The research on the Woolworth is a retail chain on a high street that has a high street retail chain on the different stores that is nationwide and that has almost 30,000 staffs employed. The organization method needs to be maintained that has a mixture of full time and part time employees (Harvey and Allard 2015). It has been maintained that the top of the hierarchy is the head of the branch and then es the different employees. The management system of the Woolworth can somewhat be removed by the staffs as an informal hierarchical system that needs to be in an informal structure. The heads hardly interacted with the different employees and hence they were both unaware of each other, which was of great affects. The affects were in the application of the poor motivational methods. There is always a need for motivation for the staffs at the time of the recession that helps in motivating the different staffs (Kulik 2014). The employers has a large budget that is used for the recruitment of the different staffs that eventually wants to be hanged on for. The employees of the organization have to have something in order to bring out the best of their ability. They are often driven by money (Madera, Dawsonand Neal 2017). The salary is often not enough to keep an employee motivated at work but definitively the quality and the productivity of their work will eventually make them deteriorate it. The ultimate employee motivation has to be how to keep someone motivated in work. The use of the number of theories in the will eventually effects the management that has a great deal of the employee motivation that will be applied in the Woolworth. Motivating staffs is the most important responsibility of an organization and is the most difficult thing to be managed (Martà ­n Alcà ¡zar, Miguel Romero Fernà ¡ndez and Sà ¡nchez Gardey 2013). There were a large number of part time employees in the Woolworth branch in order to make the mon young employees view this and make them improved in their work field. Just like other organizations, there is a need for impressing the management that will be the best of their ability to keep their job safe. The key factor of the opinion is to make a low quality in the services so that a key factor b es the ultimate failure in the Woolworth group of organizations. The staffs when are not motivated it will eventually affect the customers and their feedback will be poor. This will ultimately put a bad reputational mark on the growth of the pany. The emphasis was therefore imposed to change the management on the effected motivations (Olsen and Martins 2016). The moral case in thee Woolworth organization is that they are more aware of their particular reputation in the particular panies that they might will to serve and share as well. The Directorial boards have to be involved with the development of the vision that may be corporated in producing the different statements. These statements will be presented with the form of an image that can be used for the public good for being a caring employer in their caring organization (Olsen and Martins 2016). The best practices that can be used for managing the diversity can diversity that needs to be   incorporated in the different appropriate circumstances with the use of   the different techniques and the methods that will be formed. The leadership in the top mitment is a visionary demonstration of the different municative method that has a diversity strategic plan that is based on the development and the alignment (Pauly 2016). All these things need to be incorporated in the strategic plan of the organizations. There is a need to link the diversity with the performance that helps in understanding the diversity and the inclusive work environment that can yield a more great productivity that will help in the improvement in the performance of the Woolworth. The measurement can be a set of the different qualitative and the quantitative mode of the measurement that has an impact on the different aspects of the overall diversity plan (Soulat and Nasir 2017). Accountability ensures that the leader’s wide diverse plans that will help them to provide a linkage with their performance level of the assessment. The pensation programs have to have a diversity initiative. The planning has to have a succession that is a based on the strategies and the ongoing process that is identified with the talent pool (Trittin and Schoeneborn 2015). The Woolworth hence produces organizational potential leaders of the future. The Woolworth is a supermarket in Australia and is a food retailer that has a huge annual turnover.   The pany trades from different parts of the world and has an employment to thousands of people. There is a need for equal opportunity for the scope of employment (Vidal et al. 2013).   Many awards and recognition have been addressed to the organization. Woolworth has now taken up the approach that needs to be formulated in the pen and paper form in the pany (Pauly 2016).   The organization is also developing on the various factors that needs to bee modified. The result that has been treated in the Woolworth organization is somewhat similar to the policies of the business and the moral case studies. The result will be as same treated with the different organizational interest of the public's that has two different pillars, one is the long term relationship between the pany and the employee that needs to be built (Ashikali and Groeneveld 2015) The results that will be derived wil l eventually help in the developing approaches in the organization. This study is based on the different role and the diversity in the employment management that will help in the improvement of the Woolworths organization. This study will ultimately reveal the diversity management between the employees and their involvement in the impact of their innovation in their organization. A data was collected from the different 844 respondents who said that there are different large organizations that have applied in the SPSS version to analyze the data. The involvement and the diversity of the employee are to show the negative impact on the organizational employment and their innovation. There is a need to trigger the organizational innovational ou e so that it ultimately enhances the Woolworths organizations. The insight reflects that how the productivity can be increased through the innovational productivity by using the human resources properly. In the field of the HRM management research, an outline may be drawn on the different formal organizational practice programs. The research includes the different methodologies that need to be measured by the employee perceptions in the different diversity management activities. There is a need to demonstrate on the impacts of the diversity management that reflects primarily on the employee reactions and their identification with the different unit levels. A below line research has been made that do not directly answer the HR professionals that is mostly based on the HR activities that is required to be adopted. Eventually, it will explain the impacts of the different formal organizational diversity activities that need to be reported by the documented and the senior managers in the records of the organization. The Woolworth organization can easily be linked with this research paper based on the bottom line theory as per the basics of the HR management From this research paper it can be concluded that the role of the cultural and the employee diversity has a plete variation on the innovation of the organization. There is   a need of the human resource theories and their tenets that is primarily based on the resource based view of the Woolworth firm. There is a need for the influence of the racial diversity that is in the managerial ranks. A conceptualization of the different DEM practices needs to be made on the size of the moderating role in the relationship rank of the Woolworth organization. The theoretical and the practical implications for the different perspectives of the strategy is based on the future diversity management. Just like the other organizations the racial diversity is also practiced in Woolworths and that helps the employees to concentrate on their work more appropriately. The increasing globalization requires the interaction on the different diverse backgrounds that is present in an organisation. People now work as a part of the global economy, that has b e more diversified with time. So, here es the need of the various non profitable and profitable organisations to b e diversified in order to sustain in the global market of petition. The ultimate aim of an organization is to maximize their level of profit in the workplace diversity. This article is effectively designed that helps the managers to understand the effectiveness of the diversified workplace. The different benefits of the challenges of a workplace that also has different effective strategies needs to be well pointed. In the Woolworth organisation these diversity of the workplace is well maintained that has newly evaluated the different challenges and the benefits that will be of some use to the customers. The management is a social discipline that needs to be dealt   with the different types of the behavior of a person and that also includes the human insights. In this article the workforce management of the diversity is explained and also how it has positive and negative effects on the organisation. Woolworth is such a multi national super market organisation that needs to manage diversity in order to maintain peace and a good pace of the work environment in the organisation. This journal article is all about what are the benefits and the usefulness of the diversity management. Diversity training is required that is often a trigger in the conflict in the workplace area that has its lawsuits as well by making the employees pelled to make them talk to each other even. There are often the misinterpreted concepts that need to be well perceived that is based on the moral case of the different discriminatory intents in the organization. There is a need for prevention of this similar case and a linkage should be enhanced to make it for better works. From the above report, it can be well concluded that an initial linkage between the moral and the business case has been well evaluated. The chosen organization is the Woolworth, which is an Australian based pany that is primarily one of the top retail super markets. The role of the human resource management as a part of the integral part of the organization has been introduced but in a small portion.   At the end, it can be stated that there is a need for the different types of the diversity that will help in the prosperity of the organization. Ashikali, T. and Groeneveld, S., 2015. Diversity management in public organizations and its effect on employees’ affective mitment: The role of transformational leadership and the inclusiveness of the organizational culture.  Review of Public Personnel Administration,  35(2), pp.146-168. Benschop, Y., Holgersson, C., Van den Brink, M. and Wahl, A., 2015. Future challenges for practices of diversity management in organizations.  Handbook for Diversity in Organizations, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp.553-574. Dennissen, M., Benschop, Y. and van den Brink, M., 2016, January. Diversity Networks: Networking for Equality?. In  Academy of Management Proceedings  (Vol. 2016, No. 1, p. 15950). Academy of Management. Harvey, C.P. and Allard, M., 2015.  Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases, and exercises. Pearson. Klopf, R.P., Baer, S.G., Bach, E.M. and Six, J., 2017. Restoration and management for plant diversity enhances the rate of belowground ecosystem recovery.  Ecological Applications,  27(2), pp.355-362. Kulik, C.T., 2014. Working below and above the line: The research–practice gap in diversity management.  Human Resource Management Journal,  24(2), pp.129-144. Madera, J.M., Dawson, M. and Neal, J.A., 2017. Managers’ psychological diversity climate and fairness: The utility and importance of diversity management in the hospitality industry.  Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism,  16(3), pp.288-307. Martà ­n Alcà ¡zar, F., Miguel Romero Fernà ¡ndez, P. and Sà ¡nchez Gardey, G., 2013. Workforce diversity in strategic human resource management models: A critical review of the literature and implications for future research.  Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal,  20(1), pp.39-49. Olsen, J.E. and Martins, L.L., 2016. Racioethnicity, munity makeup, and potential employees’ reactions to organizational diversity management approaches.  Journal of Applied Psychology,  101(5), p.657. Pauly, L., 2016. The Challenge to Manage Variety. A Current Evaluation of Diversity Management in Germany. Soulat, A. and Nasir, N., 2017. Examining the Role of Employee Diversity Management and Employee Involvement Variation on Organizational Innovation: A Study from Pakistan.  Singaporean Journal of Business, Economics and Management Studies,  5(9), pp.62-69. Soulat, A. and Nasir, N., 2017. Examining the Role of Employee Diversity Management and Employee Involvement Variation on Organizational Innovation: A Study from Pakistan.  Singaporean Journal of Business, Economics and Management Studies,  5(9), pp.62-69. Trittin, H. and Schoeneborn, D., 2015. Diversity as polyphony: Reconceptualizing diversity Management from a munication-centered perspective.  Journal of Business Ethics, pp.1-18. Vidal, T., Crainic, T.G., Gendreau, M. and Prins, C., 2013. A hybrid genetic algorithm with adaptive diversity management for a large class of vehicle routing problems with time-windows. puters & operations research,  40(1), pp.475-489. Woolworths .au. (2017).  {{metaController.metaData.title}}. [online] Available at: https://www.woolworths .au/ [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017]. With a decade's experience in providing essay help,

The Nurses Role in Promoting Patient Rights Article

The Nurses Role in Promoting Patient Rights - Article Example Besides, NDNQI helps nurses to deliver quality services and improve patient safety. Therefore, nurses have the ethical obligation to be an advocate of patient vulnerability in the context of the hierarchical system of healthcare. Nurses role involve providing information that helps a patient to make significant decisions. Besides, they speak up in support for patients where necessary. The role of nurses in patient engagement boosts the health outcome by improving care delivery. Patients have the right to receive treatment with honor and respect, therefore, nurses help navigate the unfamiliar healthcare system and promote communication among caregivers. They interpret tests, instructions, and procedures in terms the patient can follow and understand (Wood, 2010). Besides, they integrate all aspects of patient’s care and ensure that concerns, standards, and positive outcome of the patient are met. In a scenario at my workplace, a patient failed to know his right for an active care and proper diagnosis. There was a case of a physician undertaking medical malpractice and negligence on a patient (wrong diagnosis). Therefore, I brought up the concern of the organization. The physician was charged, and the p atient received the care that he deserved. Besides, NDNQI is significant in enhancing the quality of service of patients. NDNQI prevalence rates for various diseases creates the formation of action plans to eradicate the disease. For instance, NDNQI data on CAUTIs has enhanced its mitigation and reduction levels (Simon, Klaus & Dunton, 2009). Therefore, nurses in conjunction with NDNQI increase patient’s welfare. Guglielmi, C.L., Stratton, M., Healy, G.B., Shapiro, D., Duffy, W.J., Dean B.L. & Groah, L. K. (2014). The growing role of patient engagement: relationship-based care in a changing health care system. AORN, 99(4), 517-528. doi:

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Special educational needs provision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Special educational needs provision - Essay Example The Education reform Act of 1988 marks an historic and radical revision of education in England and Wales based on an ideology starkly at odds with that which guided the system’s development in the previous four decades (Cor, 1996). The reliance on market forces as a mechanism of quality control and the unprecedented degree of centralized control of the curriculum, for instance, are principles calling for revolutionary changes in the way teachers operate. Their impact has been made more difficult to assimilate by the speed with which these policies are introduces and there political sponsors refusals to acknowledge what may educationists have argued are potentially dangerous implications. And also in this, special education is not only reflected as a broader educational concept but also as a broader social and political concept. (Len, 1988). Special educational needs are defined in the 1993 Education Act as learning difficulties that call for special provision besides that rou tinely provided in mainstream schools (1993 Act, para 156). If what is provided routinely does not meet the child’s learning needs then a statement of SEN, specifying additional resources will be required. The inexorable rise in the number of children with statements, combined with increasingly high levels of parental expectations concerning special educational needs provision, has led to demands on the founders, the Local Education Authorities (LEAs) which can no longer be met (Ann, 1997). met (Ann, 1997). Recognizing this, the 1993 Education Act proposed a Code of Practice to clarify what special educational needs provision should be made generally available in mainstream schools. Children with special educational needs form a substantial minority of the primary school population. The Warnock Report (DES, 1978) suggested that 20 percent of children will have special educational needs at some time during their school careers. This figure, derived from standardized test and survey data, has been criticized as arbitrary and self-fulfilling but is supported by a wide range of research evidence (e.g. Croll and Moses, 1985; Mortimore et al. 1988; Shorrocks et al, 1992). Thus children with a variety of special educational need form a significant group and one that may draw disproportionately on scarce educational resources. To be precise, in 2005 around 18% of all pupils in school in England were categorized as having some sort of special educational need (SEN) (1.5 million children) (Ann, 1997). Around 3% of all children (250,000) had a statement of SEN and around 1% of all children were in special schools (90,000) - which represents approximately one third of children with statements. With such a large number of children involved, it is important to recognize that many children are receiving the education they need in an appropriate setting. It is equally important, however, to highlight the difficulties faced by a large number of parents for whom the system is failing to meet the needs of their children. The influence of the Warnock Report was not restricted to a new conceptualization of special educational needs; it also made wide - ranging recommendations about the way in which special educational provision should be developed. The Committee argued that the provision should be seen as 'additional or supplementary" rather than 'separate or alternative' to regular education, and described a continuum of settings in which it might take place. For most children, their needs would be met in ordinary classrooms, with additional support as required. The Warnock Committee (DES, 1978) heralded a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Titanium Metal Matrix Composites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Titanium Metal Matrix Composites - Essay Example The metals which are usually used are Aluminum, Magnesium, Titanium and Copper. In case of titanium metal matrix composite the principal metal used is titanium. Hence the metal matrix composite is Titanium metal matrix composite. In the MMC the metal is the monolithic material into which the reinforcement is embedded and it is completely continuous. The reinforcement can be continuous which can be monofilament or multifilament or it can be discontinuous which can be a particle, whisker or short fiber. They have lot of applications in commercial workspace. Metal-matrix composites are either in use or prototyping for the Space Shuttle, commercial airliners, electronic substrates, bicycles, automobiles, golf clubs, and a variety of other applications. It is widely perceived that Titanium Metal Composites have lot of potential in space propulsion applications. If we look at Titanium and its alloys we can say that they have good corrosion resistance, fatigue properties, and high strength- to-weight ratios. Products differ in terms of composition, grade, shape, dimensions, and features. Commercially pure, unalloyed or very low alloy titanium does not contain or contains only very small amounts of alloying elements. By contrast, titanium alloys contain significant amounts of added elements or constituents. Clad or bimetal titanium alloys consist of two different alloys that are bonded integrally together. Metal matrix composites have a composite or reinforced metal or alloy matrix filled with a second component, which may be in particulate, chopped fiber, continuous filament, or fabric form. Other unlisted, specialty or proprietary titanium and titanium alloys are also available. These materials are often based on a unique alloy system, use a novel processing technology, or have properties tailored for specific applications. While selecting titanium and titanium alloys, we also need to check an analysis of dimensions, production processes, and performance features. Outer diameter, inner diameter, overall length, and overall thickness are important dimensions. Most materials are cast, wrought, extruded, forged, cold-finished, hot-rolled, or formed by compacting powdered metals or alloys. Performance features for titanium and titanium alloys include resistance to corrosion, heat, and wear. Ti MMCs offer provide potential advantages for structural applications, where they combine the high strength, high temperature capability, and oxidation resistance of titanium with an increase in stiffness provided by the ceramic reinforcement. Another thing is that they have the advantage of being isotropic in behavior, cheaper to manufacture and more amenable to subsequent processing and component forming operations. Of all the potential reinforcing phases for titanium which includes TiB, TiB2, SiC, Al2O3, and TiC, TiB offers the best balance of stiffness, stability, and similarity of thermal expansion coefficients. Other properties, such as the strength of metal matrix composites, depend in a much more complex manner on composite microstructure. The strength of a fiber-reinforced composite, for example, is determined by fracture processes, themselves governed by a combination of micro structural phenomena and features. These include plastic deformation of the matrix, the presence of brittle phases in the matrix, the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Banded Iron Formation of Bonai-Keonjhar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Banded Iron Formation of Bonai-Keonjhar - Essay Example BK is the youngest iron ore in the horseshoe belt. The focus is on Banspani-Jilling–Jajang bit of the iron ore. BIF of Banspani-Jilling–Jajang section of BK belt covers a section of the Precambrian super crustal north Odisha iron ore super group. Geology: the BIF hosts tabular strata-bound bodies mainly formed of high-grade hematite ores. Banspan-Jilling–Jajang covers about 40 sq. km. above the BIF lie the high-grade hematite ores which cover three stratigraphic positions. The southern range has massive and hard laminated cores. These ore bodies form the bulk of the resource. They are tubular in shape, irregular in size and have a thickness ranging from 2 and 50m. Langalata forms the bulk of the ore deposit, taking about 73% of it. Banspani-Jilling–Jajang deposits have a total reserve of about 61.7 million tons. Petrography: the rock types in the study area include banded hematite Jasper (BHJ), banded manganese formation (BMnF), banded hematite shale (BHS), banded shale, banded hematite quartzite (BHZ) and iron ore bodies. BHJ and BHZ are dominant rock types. They have alternating bands of silica and iron mineral. Some of the iron minerals in the BIF include goethite, martite, partitioned magnetite, hematite, and specularity. Hematite is the dominant iron mineral in the area. The varieties of silica forming alternate bands with the mentioned iron minerals include jasper, quartz, and chert. The iron minerals are formed by three distinct processes; thematization, marketization, and graphitization.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financial Futures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Financial Futures - Essay Example And, the carry cost is the amount of interest expense paid by the investor to hold on to the commodity purchased in the futures market until the maturity of the futures contract. Many bold and daring investors would enter into an arbitrage transaction where they would invest in shares of stocks in a corporation with the hope that the company will merge or consolidate with another company in the same line of business (Bjrk 2004, 1). The following paragraphs will explain in detail how commodity futures work. Most investors would enter into a cash and carry arbitrage contract. Their main reason would be to invest in two securities that are differently priced in the market with respect to each other. Eventually, the prices of both commodities will correct itself by either increasing or decreasing per commodity. For, a correction of prices would cause a profit on one commodity and a loss on the other commodity. Equitably, both commodities will zero out thereby future losses can be avoided or diminished to a great extend. The commodities include gold, silver, coffee, sugar, oil, U.S. dollar currency, European dollar currency, Japanese Yen, French Franc, and other currencies. Also, "For as long as national currencies are in operation, and are used in day-to-day foreign trade, the demand and supply for those currencies will be affected by the size of exports and imports in those currencies" (Scobie, Buckley, and Fox 1998, 8) Further, the arbitrage investor would profit from his investments if he invests in a security and in the futures contracts. The investor would then profit if the amount he put in the commodity plus the added cost of carrying is less than the futures prices. One definite advantage of the commodities futures market is that the investors can sell a commodity like the European dollar today and then buy the same commodity, European dollar, three days from today. This is not possible in the real world outside the commodities market. A person cannot sell a product that he or she does not own. For this would entail personnel turning over to the buyer the car, house, shirt, or computer game the moment when he or she pays for the items bought (Blake 2000, 231). In terms of oil, "The oil industry, more than other energy sectors, is global in its character and operations. The geographical concentration of reserves and the vital role of oil in modern society has made it the principal commodity in international trade (Haugland, Bergesen, and Roland 1998, 54) " Also, the current pricing of Eurodollar futures and US dollar Foreign Rate Agreements (FRA) high frequency data shows that arbitrage opportunities are linked to the presence of stale FRA quotes and the oscillatory behavior of FRA quotes. And, Inter -market information flows are found to be of much shorter duration than previously reported with the futures market playing the dominant role in the information transmission process in the shorter -dated maturities. Many companies invest in short term interest rate futures and forward rate agreements for

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

History and Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

History and Political Science - Essay Example There has been opposing view points concerning the effects of the industrial revolution, whereby, both positive and negative outcomes have been associated with the events of the industrial revolution. Based on intensive analysis and discussions of the events surrounding the industrial revolution, it is with no doubt that it had massive positive effects on the socio-economic, cultural and political platforms. On the contrary, the industrial revolution also had negative effects on the socio-economic, political and cultural conditions. In this essay, the benefits and hardships resulting from the industrial revolution on the socio-economic, cultural and political platforms, will be expounded. Discussion The industrial revolution will live to be acknowledged for its positive impacts on the human society. This was a major turning point in human history, whereby, almost all aspects of daily life were influenced. The general human potential was positively influenced by the industrial revolut ion. This is evident through the increased average income as well as the population. Through the increase of the average global population and income, the human potential was magnified. ... The increased innovations realized through development in technology, impacted positively on all aspects of industrial production. This is evident through the innovations in iron making, steam power and textiles. A point worth of consideration is that human capital was magnified through these innovations, thus boosting production efficiency and returns from the industrial processes. Based on this phenomenon, wealth creation and income generation were positively impacted, hence demonstrating the benefits of the industrial revolution. The ease in transfer of knowledge during the industrial revolution, enhanced human efficiency across the globe, thus boosting industrial activities (Horn et al. 2010, p. 121). The industrial revolution led to increased efficiency in transportation and communication. This is a key factor which boosted human potential in business and industrialization. The use of highways, canals and turnpikes, had positive impacts on the transport sector, which in turn fac ilitated business activities and networks across the globe. The concept of job creation by the factories also impacted positively on human capital and the economic sector. Through job creation, human mobility, urbanization, and investment were facilitated, thus enhancing the social and economic landscape. From the social perspective, the high incomes enhanced better living standards which in turn led to high life expectancy. In particular, child mortality was decreased and high levels of human health recorded, hence enhancing human comfort and potential (More 2000, p. 168). From another perspective, the industrial revolution had negative impacts on human life, whereby,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Network Infrastructure Basics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Network Infrastructure Basics - Assignment Example The model is split into seven parts. In the same taken, the presentation layer deals with the production of services that rely on application program such as MSWindows. According to the OSI model, the session layer has been set aside for the tabling of the running of services (Tanenbaum, 2003). This runs the process and leads to the scheduling of tasks that are to be run using the applications. In the transport layer, responsibility vested is for the data being broken to packets for purpose of transfer between hosts on a regular basis to ensure quality of service, on a network(Bush et al, 2012). Normally, network layers interpret the physical name of the computer from the logical network addresses. The data link layer of the OSI model has been assessed to the widely used in networks. The layer is reserved for routers for their highly specific communication. The hardware resources that are used in a network represent the physical layer(Forouzan, 2003); Routable protocols are those protocols that are designed to cross physical networks and enter other networks (Tanenbaum, 2003).The non-routable protocols are not applied to the networks that are outside the physical network a device is connected to at the time. Connection oriented protocols are more reliable than the non-connection oriented ones. This is because they perform a check on their own structures. These protocols resend a message in case the receiver does not receive one (Forouzan, 2003). In this case, they tend to be more networks oriented. The non-connection oriented protocols are not session-based and can thus be end at ant any

Civil Disobedience to Black Power Essay Example for Free

Civil Disobedience to Black Power Essay Up until the 1960’s the civil rights movement was practiced through peaceful protests established from the idea that equal recognition amongst all peoples was only acquired through non-violent acts. In the late 60’s these techniques transformed into fast and more efficient methods with different value sets. The changes within the Civil Rights movement occurred because African Americans were sick of the painfully slow progress accomplished through the civil rights movement, didn’t agree with the idea that being mistreated, disrespected, and stomped over (figuratively and literally) was the only resolution to overcome racism and segregation, and decided that violence and bloodshed (stemming from the theory that asking for deserved rights was to slow a process, when they could just take them) was aggressive enough to catch the eyes of many and gain Black Dominance or at least equal rights. Even with the Civil Rights Act in place, African American’s were tired of being neglected and disregarded. Peaceful protesting was only doing so much, the alternative of Black Power had begun to flourish in the late 60’s because it demanded respect through violent, attention-grabbing approaches that were created to actually change segregation and equality. The 1950’s and early 60’s were eras driven by the consumer culture, the US was extremely wealthy, the automobile industry was booming, suburban lifestyle had grown, television became extremely popular, and the general view of America was good (to say the least). The only ‘bad’ aspect of the US was inequality and the unrecognized rights (Blacks deserved). The US originally opted for saving justice and peace amongst Black communities in civil and non-violent ways, but there was limited execution. In 1954, for example, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled segregation in public schools unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education. This landmark case began a series of significant Civil Rights movements with regards to desegregation and equal rights. The early 60’s brought upon new perspectives and the idea of peaceful resolution was one of them. Due to the fact that American culture was thriving in material goods and prosperity African Americans figured the best way to go about change was to do it in calm, civil, non-brutal manners. Organizations like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) began to emerge. Doc A, B, and C convey the goals pertaining to African Americans (in the early 0’s) and their hope for equal rights, legal citizenship, voting rights, and equal economic/labor opportunities. Doc A showcases the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee’s perspective that love transforms hate and nonviolence is the best way to bring about integration. The early 60’s held so much potential and optimism. African American’s were seeking equal privileges so contently because they experienced Americans’ positive response to America’s success and didn’t want to harm the culture or destroy the peace. One attempt for Civil Rights included a peaceful protest in Birmingham, Alabama. The response of the police was outrageous. As seen in Doc B, the photograph (from 1963) shows racist and corrupt police attacking African Americans after a peaceful protest (to allow Blacks into church). Rather than defend himself, the black man depicted in the photo is responding with no resentment or anger. Many African Americans were beaten and sent to jail; including Martin Luther King, Jr. Doc C (1963) is a letter written by MLK from the Birmingham Jail promoting peace and arguing that â€Å"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. † MLK desired peace rather than violence because of his educational background and upbringing-his father was the minister of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and he passed on his understanding, tolerance, and religious views (inspired by peace) to his son. MLK could be peaceful, even after going to jail for no reason. After the Birmingham incident, John F. Kennedy announced his promise to end racial discrimination on radio and television. The speech served as motivation to civil right leaders, a wake-up call to Congress, and the inspiration for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 (unfortunately JFK never lived to see these passed). Although these rights were legally authorized, African Americans were not fully protected. Just because they were laws in place, didn’t mean they were implemented with major concern or emphasis. Race riots, racial profiling, and illegal discrimination were still occurring. African Americans realized that in order to truly get what they wanted, they needed prompt uncivil protests. Stokely Carmichael, a violent-protest-supporter, coined the phrase â€Å"black power† and stated â€Å"I am not going to beg the white man for anything I deserve; I’m going to take it. † We see the change in strategy for Black Nationalism. Carmichael’s speech, entitled, â€Å"what we want† from 1966 (Doc E) implies the only way to get money, property, respect, and in general civil rights for African American’s is to demand it, whether it was by strike, boycott, riot, or any other possible means of violent rebellion. The reasons why there was such a focus on gaining equality through violence was because peaceful protests were not developing equality quick enough, African American’s needed each other in order to attain enough votes for one collective ballot, and violent acts needed the most attention because they needed to be stopped the fastest. Take, for example the scenario of when a child throws a fit, the parent will do whatever it takes to stop the child’s interrupting objection and annoying whines, the same initiative for Black Power. Some philosophers even argue that Black Power was an act of revenge, Blacks felt obligated to torture Whites and act in violent ways to get even with them for their previous treatment of African slaves. At this point African Americans had to fight for things Whites got easily, like jobs, money, respect, social status, religion, privacy and the general right to be able to go to common-day-places (like the grocery store or local restaurant) and not have to worry about discrimination. The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (Doc F in 1967) preached that black people must resort to violence because they have not made any gains through peace. Malcolm X, a Black Power activist and violent-protesting-leader supported this idea and said, â€Å"Stand on your own feet and solve our problems ourselves instead of depending on white people to solve them for us. † This quote shows the foundation for Black Power-fast, unexpected, memorable recognition. Malcolm X ridiculed Martin Luther King’s attempt at Birmingham saying it showed the uselessness of nonviolent-protest. The increasing amount of African Americans promoting violence concerned American citizens. Whites believed that if the government didn’t take action, mass riots and destruction would erupt everywhere, and they were somewhat on track. By 1968, (according to Doc G) 62% of African Americans were registered to vote, that’s 33% more than in 1960. This evidence suggests that the violent acts did make an impact and shape the Civil Rights movement into what we view it as today.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Death Penalty Essay Example for Free

The Death Penalty Essay The death penalty is a very controversial topic that some may oppose while others assent. I have read two interesting essays about the death penalty. One is entitled â€Å"The Penalty of Death† by H. L Mencken and the other â€Å"Execution† by Anna Quindlen. Both authors presented their arguments and used great points to support their opinions. H. L Mencken is for the death penalty while Anna Quindlen is against it. After reading these two authors work I was able to form my own opinion on this punishment. I condone the death penalty despite how cruel it may be. H. L Mencken begins his story by presenting two arguments against capital punishment. He then gives his reasons as to why he believes these arguments are weak. The first argument is that the act of hanging a man is an unpleasant business and horrendous to the people who have to watch. The second argument is that the death penalty is counterproductive because it will not restrain others from committing the same crime. Mencken’s response is that there are a lot of displeasing jobs that still need to be done that no one considers extinguishing. He lists occupations such as a plumber, soldier, and garbage man. The author then states that the fault in argument two is assuming that the main goal of punishing criminals is to discourage other potential wrong doers. Mencken reveals that preventing others from committing similar crimes is not the only reason for the death penalty. Another reason is a term called katharsis. Katharsis is simply a pleasant discharge of emotions. The families of victims all want to feel as though justice is served. What better way than to hurt the criminal the way they hurt their victim. â€Å"The thing they crave primarily is the satisfaction of seeing the criminal actually before them suffer as he made them suffer (Mencken 475)†.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China

The Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China The main aspect which has been taken into account in this report addresses the understanding of various global business strategies and organisation form and structure of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) locally and globally to earn its competetive advantage. The relevant theories were taken into consideration and the in-depth analysis of global business strategy which were used by ICBC was undertaken. This report contains background informatin of the bank. The Chineses banking enviornment was taken into consideration as well as the internal enviornment of the company was analysed with the help of SWOT, PESTEL and Porter 5 forces frameworks. To illustrate the performance of the ICBC a resource audit, which includes assets, resources and core competencies was presented. This report is focuses on the identification of companys local and global corporate strategy . This report concludes with the strategic implementation of its policies, challenges which are being faced by ICBC and reccomendation to deal with those challenges. Introduction: ICBC offers its customers various financial services. ICBC operates all across the globe. According to Forbes (2011) ICBC is the seventh largest publich company. History of ICBC: ICBC started with registered capital of 20.8 billion Yuan and the capital and assets added up-to 333.3 billion Yuan. In the late eighties ICBC became the formal member of International Saving Banks Institute. In October 1989 ICBC introduced the Peony Quasi Credit Card for the first time. The ICBC network in 91 cities got connected with a nationwide computer network system in October 1990. In the early nineties the bank was according to the Euromoney Journal was ranked number 8 in terms of capital share. ICBC went global in March 1992 and its first overseas subsidiary was set up in Singapore. In November 1995 ICBC expanded out of Asia and their first office in Europe was in London. ICBC went online in December 1997 and their official website was launched. ICBC jointly with Hong Kong Bank of East Asia acquired ICBC-BEA Finance Shareholding Co. Ltd with a 75% of shareholding in February 1998. In September 1999 ICBC launched 95588 its telephone banking services nationwide and in February and August 2000 respectively, ICBC began its Corporate Internet Banking and Personal Internet Banking services. In May of 2002 Peony Card Centre was established and it became the first professional bankcard business organization in China Peony Card became a sought after brand. Furthermore, in 2003 ICBC signed Agreement with Microsoft (China) in Beijing for the co-operation of Personal Internet Bankings security. The same year on December 18, ICBC launched its new personal Internet banking product [emailprotected]. In February 2004 PricewaterhouseCoopers designed ICBCs 8 year plan for corporate governance system and over-all risk management reform system and ICBC put it in practice in April 2005 under the State Councils Approval. Moreover on October 27, 2009, with 236 billion restricted shares released to the market ICBC becomes the No.1 A-share quoted company and the largest bank in the world by market capitalization. In the last quarter of 2009 the ICBC has expanded itself as it h ad received the business licence to operate in ICBC Malaysia Company Limited from Bank Negara Malaysia and ICBC Hanoi Branch, the first license issued to a foreign bank this year. December 16, 2009, The Central Bank of United Arab Emirates (UAE) officially approved and issued a wholesale banking license to ICBC to set up a branch in Abu Dhabi, a new ICBC branch in the Middle East for ICBC to spread its wings in the region. Organisational structure of ICBC: Organisational structure can be considered as a pyramid shaped system that positions the relations between the entities within an organisation vertically. Authority, power and responsibility are focused at the top and the decisions are made here and are implemented by the rest of the organisation. (Daft, Murphy, Willmott, 2010) The structure of ICBC is a hybrid structure, a combination of characteristics of various approaches tailored to specific strategic needs (Daft,2007). Functional and divisional structures combined create the organisational strucutre of ICBC. The organisation structure of ICBC consists of series of supportive departments expert in functional duties, containing Comprehensive Administration Departments, supervisory Supporting Departments and Affiliated Institutions. In the functions economy of scale is encourged due to functional structure. A management model of centralized legal person authorization and controlling one level down and supervising two levels lower is implemented by ICBC. The banking system of ICBC is centeralised in one location. (ICBC, 2009) The strategic business unit refers to the divisional structure. ICBC contains a number of Business Development Departments: Corporate Banking, personal banking, investment banking and e-banking, etc. which can fullfil individual needs and satisfactions of clients. A hybrid structure proposes greater flexibility for organisation (Daft, 2007) that aligns with the current corporate aims and strategy with divisional goals, functional expertise and productivity. Source: ICBC Annual Report 2005 The latest chart of organisation is attached in the appendix. The distribution of power: The distribution of power has been more decentralised and flexible after ICBC turned into a public corporation as compare to early times when it was not listed. Now every hierarchical level has a decent chance to take their decision on their own. Hence, the working attitudes of its employees might increase. Now they will be more motivated as they are part of decision making process and will share the success as well as the losses of the company. The biggest drawback of this managemnt style will be communication network. With decentralising, it will be difficult to communicate with other hierachical levels because of their interest conflicts. (ICBC, 2009) Enviornmental Scanning: To analyse the strategic position of any company there are several frameworks, techniques, and methods such as SWOT analysis, PESTEL and Porters 5 forces available. SWOT-Analysis: SWOT is an abbreviation for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT analysis is used to identify the internal and external factors which can be used to achieve a certain goal or improve the performance of any business. Strengths and Weaknesses are the internal factors of an organisation and Opportunities and Threats are the external factors to that organisation. The internal factors relate to any company and the external factors relate to the external environment of the organisation. (What is SWOT Analysis, 2011) Strengths: With a market value of $239,5 billion, ICBC is worlds leading bank in the world by market capitalization and it is also one of the Big Four in the domestic Chinese banking industry and has a leading marketing share in China. Due to a strong distribution of network which consist of 18,000 domestic institutions, 203 overseas institutions and over 1,440 correspondent banks worldwide, as well as 7,085 self-service banking centres and 28,656 automated teller machines ICBC has been providing its financial services to (3.10 million corporate banking, 190 million personal banking ) customers. ICBC also developed further the cash management as it got the Best RMB Cash Management Services (China) Award by the magazines The Asset and FinanceAsia. in 2008 with the score of 96.23 ICBC topped the list of 50 Most Honoured Listed Companies of China as well as was awarded the best custodian bank by The Asset, Global Custodian, Global Finance and Securities Times. Source: own presentation With 240 million issued bank cards in 2008 ICBC was the largest credit card issuing bank in China, an increase of 28.20 million over the end of 2007. Therefore, Visa and MasterCard had awarded ICBC with Award for Leading Technology of Credit Card and Best Product Innovation of the Year respectively. ICBC is into investment banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management which lead it to the universal banking model alongside the traditional banking which helped them to diversify their revenue flow. In FY2008 and FY2009, the bank generated around 52% of total revenues from corporate banking, personal banking generates 32% of revenues, treasury and other operations contribute 16% of the total revenues. Diverse sources of revenue such as settlement, clearing and cash management, investment banking, corporate wealth management, asset fiduciary, guarantee and commitment were the main causes for non-interest income. Weaknesses: ICBCs allowance in financial year (FY) 2008 and FY2009 amounted to 130.15% and 164.41% of total non-performing loans which was higher than the impairment losses on loans in absolute terms of last two years. This increase in allowances was on account of both external and internal factors. Hence, the profitability of the bank was affected by the increased allowances for impairments. Opportunities: At the end of 2010, ICBC had 203 branches in 18 overseas countries and regions and established correspondent bank relationships with 1,358 overseas banks in 122 countries and regions all across the globe. According to Swiss Re, Total takaful premiums written in 2007 was about US$1.7 billion, and it is expected to propagate to US$7 billion by 2015. ICBC can secure the benefits of being the first Chinese player venturing into Islamic banking. Several products and new services has been introduced by the ICBC after the financial crisis as well as facilitating the foreign trade companies to conduct export and import business. Chinas insurance market is growing rapidly. . In 2013, the Chinese insurance market is forecast to have a gross premium income of $353.4 billion, an increase of over 100% since 2008. Threats: After enjoying the double digit growth for last several years, and the banking industry was benefited most of it but late Chinese economy is having a slight decline. In second quarter of 2010, Chinas economy grew by 10.3%, down from 11.9% in the first quarter of 2010 and it might remain the same for the last 2 quarters as well. With emerging China several foreign banks are interested in or already started to undertake a number of businesses, including custodian services investors, insurance agency business etc. Foreign banks in China are allowed to offer over 100 types of products and services under 12 broad categories of business activity. According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), within the five years since Chinas WTO accession in early 2002, operational entities opened by foreign banks increased from 190 to 312. Since foreign institutional investors were first allowed to invest in Chinese banks starting in 1996, 35 overseas banks have acquired stakes in 23 Chinese banks by 2008. As competition was continued to intensify in 2009. Hence, this could affect the revenues and profits of the bank. PESTEL Analysis: PESTEL is not just the internal environment but also the macro-economic factors affecting the external environment of a company affect the way it conducts business. These factors need to be kept in mind while formulating strategies and making decisions for the future. Demand and supply may fluctuate due to a number of vital variables that may not be in the control of the management. PEST-EL analysis is a framework used for categorizing Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal issues influencing the operating environment of the organization (Johnson and Scholes 2008). Political: In 1976 China made a huge breakthrough when it abandoned its old autocratic socialist system and turned into to modern Socialism which was more focused on Market-oriented economy. China has intensified its involvement to international organization since 1990s. After becoming the member of World Trade Organisation (WTO) China has opened the doors for the foreign banks to enter the Chinese banking industry. Economic: China besides India is one of the emerging giants and it has already occupied the second place as worlds biggest economy after USA. Therefore, China is a very attractive destination for all the foreign companies especially in the manufacturing sector. There is a slight decline in the Chinese Economy due to the financial crisis but the forecast for the coming years is much brighter. In comparison to planned economy before 1976, China is reforming its economy now for a more open market and free trade with other countries. Social: China ranks at the top in terms of population which is 1,331,460,000 till 2009. China lacks the high potential individuals and has the insufficient leadership which can follow the rapid economic growth. To control the population the policy of one child is not seen everywhere with the correct frame of mind. The biggest hurdle for all the foreign companies is the language. Chinese people are tied strongly with their culture therefore local language is the only way to conduct the business. Technological: Since the introduction and popularity of Internet online shopping is more into practice now in China According to CNNIC the number of online purchasers is 420 million. Internet Banking and Telebanking is becoming more common now. In 2006 China had approximately 400 million mobile phone users and 6.1 million of them are connected online. Environmental: The natural resources such as land water and air and the environment of China has been damaged seriously by its rapid economic progression. A large amount of usage of polluted energy such as Coal and oil. China is the third largest coal and oil consumer in the world. Human right Issue (500,000 individuals are in custody without any charge and trial and 1 million cannot access to Legal system. (Amnesty International) Legal: A set of policies has been established by the Bank of China to fight against white colour crimes. More than 200 administrative rules and regularity documents has been implemented by China Banking Regularity Commission to control the financial crimes. China offers a open market to the foreign banks. Porters 5 Forces Framework: According to Porter there are 5 main forces which can shape every market and industry. These five main forces assist to figure out the intensity of competition to the profitability and attractiveness of an industry. Porters 5 forces framework on banking industry in China will provide us a sutiable tool to depict ICBCs position in the chinese banking sector. Being a leader in the banking industry ICBC has to deal with all these forces to sustain its top ranked position. These five forces are: risk of new entrants, rivalry, bargaining powes of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers and threat of subtitute prodcut. Porters 5 forces framework for ICBC as follows: Risk of new entrants: The enty barrier for foreign banks has disappeared when China Joined the WTO in 2002. Many foreign banks consider China a profitable destination for banking industry. Several finanacial and non financial companies can easily come to China and start operating their business. Rivalry: Besides the Big Four banks in China several other foreign banks have started their operation in China which has intensified the rivalry which has been there forever. Now ICBC has to compete not only with the Big Four sondern with big foreign banks such as HSBC. Bargaining power of buyers: Banking industry is a high buyer concentration industry. China is the largest country in terms of its population. A significant number of people use bank service, such as deposit money, mortgage, loan, investment, insurance and currency exchange these days. Internet is changing everyones life customers can easily obtain the information via internet. In the banking industry interest rate and service charge are senestive indicators for customers. In recent years various subtitute products and services are available for example currency exchange, insurances and loans and they are provided normally by the other financial institutions. Bargaining power of supplier: Credit Card industry is a high concentration ratio industry and ICBC has been awarded with awards from the leading companies such as VISA and MasterCard Worldwide. Although few Aother companies also provide credit card system, such as JCB and American Express but theie market share in the world is much less than VISA and MAstercard. So switiching cost might be high for ICBC. Substitute products: Internet made a huge difference to many organisations when it comes to deal with money. Now they do not need to transfer huge ammouts through banks. They can do the same with other low charge service and it is also more convinient. The services such as Real-time money transfer (i.e. Western Union), real-time payment (i.e. Paypal), currency exchange (i.e. and insurance (i.e. through Internet provide a high quality but low service charge service. Resource audit: Opportunities can be created and exploit in the external environment in which a business usually operates. Besides these opportunities threats are also present which can impair any business. However, to deal with these threats and exploit the opportunities, a business requires the right resources and capabilities. The current holding resources of any company can be recognized by the resource audit. These resources can be either owned (e.g. plant, machinery) or acquired from other resources such as partnerships and joint ventures. Financial resources: Existing Finance: According to the first quarterly report (2011) of ICBC, the bank has continued to push forward to their growth and obtained a sustainable profit as compare to last year. The total assets have an increase of 6.92% from the last year and its value is now 14,389,996 (RMB in million). Besides the assets the liabilities have also increased simultaneously and its value is now 13,517,771(RMB in million) which are 6.97% more than last quarter. The equity attributable to equity holders has an increment of double digit (10.54%). Net profit for this period is 53,836 (RMB in million) which is 29.03% more than the first quarter of 2010. The result shows the successful implementation of their strategy local and globally. Human resources: ICBC is enjoying the services of 387,000 employees till December 2010 at its global and local centres. Physical resources: ICBC has till now around 18,000 outlets and 23,000 ATMs all over China. Intangible resources: As being the leading institute in the banking industry ICBC is enjoying their good brand image. ICBC has also obtained the partnerships with several banks all across the world especially in Africa. ICBC has also won the reputation for their Internet banking services. ICBC has one of the secure internet banking system in China. Current Strategy: In June 2009 ICBC had introduced its three year new Development Strategy Plan and Implementation Scheme of that plan to all its offices. In the last ten years of ICBCs strategic transformation this plan is the second three year plan and it was based on the implementation experience of the development strategy plan of years between 2006 and 2008. This plan was produced after a comprehensive analysis of the latest development of ICBC and the economic and financial trends at domestic level and global level. Implementation experience of old Plan (2006-2008): The base of this strategic plan was laid on the experience of achievements and failures which had been achieved by ICBC in last 20 years as well as on the direction of Chinas financial reforms. The aim was set to achieve this strategic transformation within next 10 years. The strategies such as adjustment of management structure, development by areas, innovation, service differentiation, cross-border management, comprehensive risk control, and emphasis on technology and human capital were executed successfully and ICBC got better results than it originally expected. Therefore, at the end of 2008 ICBC became the number one ranked bank in market value as well as it became the most profitable bank in the world. ICBC was mainly successful because it enhanced the capability of comprehensive profit-making, paid a close attention to risk control and decided to achieve transformation in self-development. ICBCc new three year Plan (2009-2011): The successful implementation of previous strategic plan gave ICBC the assurance to carry out transformation strategy further to sustain the progress in development. The new plan offers the guiding idea that Guided by scientific outlook on development, striving to enhance core competitiveness, continuing to promote management structural transformation, developing more innovations, and achieving fast, stable and sustainable development of ICBC to seize opportunities to strengthen and to brace its market position. To apply this strategy ICBC has decided to start from the reality and carry out the scientific outlook on development into every step of transition. The New Plan proposes ten strategic projects which attach emphasis to structure adjustment, finance innovation, service upgrading and etc., and a set of precise objectives and measures for various regions and for diverse services according to the general objective and task design of the ten strategic projects. For the successful execution of the strategies ICBC also introduced an implementation scheme to make thorough and specific arrangements of the tasks and responsibilities for different departments and branch offices. ICBC establishes coordination mechanisms to coordinate the New Plan to ensure the flexibility and adaptability. Furthermore, at the start of each year, required adjustments will be made to the evaluate indicators according to the actual changes in the business environment and the implementation effect of the new plan in the preceding year. The existing problems, implementation progress and the implementation situation would be strictly monitored through regular inspections and reported to the Board of directors. To accommodate their corporate social responsibilities ICBC has developed poverty alleviation project in Nanjiang County and Tongjiang County in Sichuan Province and Chengkou County in the city of Chongqing. Over 300 (RMB in millions) has ICBC invested already in this project. This amount includes loans as well as the donations which have been distributed by the bank to eight hope projects which includes schools and medical treatment centres. There are several other projects which ICBC is directly responsible or helping them to improve the social life of the people of China. According to the Annual Report Announcement 2010 ICBC has earned more profit in 2010 as compare to 2009. ICBC is getting those results because of their clear and good implementation of that strategy. Besides the increased profit overseas asset size had also increased in the last year as shown in the following diagram. That explains very clearly that ICBC is on the right path regarding their domestic and global strategy. The exceptional outcome of ICBC in 2010 especially at a time when it was concerned with a complex and changing operating environment was mainly a result of the Banks successful implementation of its strategy at home as well as overseas. 12 new branches had been established in 2010 and a global network encompassing 203 overseas subsidiaries placed in 28 countries, spreading over five continents worldwide. Every business company faces threats and challenges although the numbers depict the different picture. These challenges could be overcome by the company by bringing some minor changes in their business strategy. As many other companies ICBC also faces some challenges which needed to be addressed. Firstly, ICBC is growing very rapidly which can cause some problem as it may affect their quality of service. Secondly the bigger challenge which is coming in the way of ICBC is the competition with foreign banks. After several foreign banks entering China makes hard for the ICBC. Now ICBC has more competition and even small mistakes can lead to huge financial and customer losses. Reccomendations for improvement: ICBC is facing a few challenges during their successful stint. These challenges has been mentioned above. These are not huge challenges and does not need any drastic changes in their strategy doemstically and globally. First challenge which was mentioned is their rapid growth. To grow fast is not a challenge unless you start compromising on the quality of your services. To keep in check this problem they need more check and balance in their organsiational structuer. As I mentioned above in the organisational structure that the main problem of their structure is communication problem. When IC BC can sort out that problem then there will be no compromise in the quality. Secondly, the callenge which can cause ICBC more problem is the competition in the chinese banking sector with the foreign banks as well as with the chinese banks. These foreign banks are entering China with much more oncoming force. Now ICBC can not afford any mishandling with their customer. A small mistake can lead ICBC to huge financial and customer loses. ICBC needs to transform their strategy in a way that they deal with their competetors in a way that they do not lose any customers locally as well as globally.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Romanticism: Connect with the Arts :: miscellaneous

Romanticism: Connect with the Arts The romantics of the late eighteenth and nineteenth century was the reaction against the Enlightenment and Classical rationality. Unlike the rational and analytical thinking of classical thinkers, romantics allowed their emotions to take over. Painters escaped the rigid form of straight lines and proportions and painted swirling and colorful paintings, novelists and composers broke the rigid forms and essentially produced works that expressed feelings, the awe of nature, and the belief that gaining experience is more beneficial to learning. Perhaps the most influential minds of romanticism were the French philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and German writer, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Many credit Rousseau as the â€Å"Father† of romanticism, due to his belief of spiritual freedom from any power, and his emphasis on expression of emotions. Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther published in 1774 also contributed in the spread of romanticism due to its emphasis on rebell ion based on belief and emotions. Another novel, Frankenstein: or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelly accurately portrays many aspects of the romantic era. Victor’s quest for knowledge shows the rational side and serves as the foil to the individual emotions and needs. One of the main romantic topics in Shelly’s novel is the concept of an overpowering nature that has the ability to soothe or destroy. Published in 1818, the novel had aspects of both Gothic and Romantic ideals imbedded within the pages. Shelly’s depiction of nature is shown throughout the novel. In one scene, Victor was â€Å"the only unquiet thing that wandered restless in a scene so beautiful and heavenly†¦tempted to plunge into the silent lake, that the waters might close over me and my calamities forever†. The concept of a sublime nature is portrayed in this scene by the idea that the calmness and serenity of nature has the ability to calm a person down. The romantic nature is idealized as unconquerable, awe-inspiring figure. In addition, the element of suicide is present, which may have been influenced by Werther, in which suicide is presented as a form of expressing rebellion and a voice of freedom from authority. Another example of a soothing nature would be when Victor observed the â€Å"the lightnings playing on the summit of Mont Blanc in the most beautiful figures†. Even though romanticism focuses on the portrayal of nature, it has a deeper meaning. Other than obtaining utmost calmness, nature also provides a way for authors to express themselves within the novel.

Contaminated Motives Essay -- essays research papers fc

Contaminated Motives The very essence of money creates an urge of human nature to obtain it, and have an excess of it. Fame and money go hand in hand; if you have one, you have the other. One also must understand that money equals power; people aspire to money. When people come into wealth and begin rising to the top of the social ladder, history dictates they usually become corrupted, and sometimes compromise their personal values. Do they believe this is for the common good, or merely for personal benefit? In the novels Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby, the protagonists, Pip and Jay Gatsby respectively, believe their prospers are used for the common good, but in reality many values are being compromised. The clichà ©, “Money cannot buy happiness'; exemplifies the opposite of what Pip and Gatsby believe, in that both utilize their money in what they believe to be a valiant attempt to bring the women they love into their lives. Along the way to achieving this “goal';, they violated et hics, which in turn changed them as people. Although money serves as a driving force for individuals, it does not counter the negative effects that are induced during the process. Therefore, money is the root of all evil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite the two novels possessing slight differences, they coincide in many aspects. When Pip acquires the money from the unknown benefactor, he moves away under Jaggers guidance and barely ever returns to his hometown. In the beginning, his reasons for coming back were to visit Joe, Biddy, and Miss Havisham, but eventually he changes and seeing the people previously so important to him appears to become a chore. This is ironic because not even a year ago he looked up to Joe, and regarded him as a father, now he refuses to see him on account of Joe being a common blacksmith. This is one of the first changes that we see in Pip after his knowledge that he will have “great expectations'; and become educated. Pip’s entire reason for becoming a gentleman is to attract Estella, and make her return the feelings of love that he holds for her. Ultimately, it appears that Pip is willing to cast away his old life and friends, to become a gentleman and, in essence , obtain Estella. This perfectly illustrates an immense change in Pip when he compromises his beliefs to... from all over the country. Today, we see his persistent acts to be different via tattoos, hair dyes, and many antics. The point is that Dennis Rodman strived to be uncommon just like Pip. The only difference is, they achieved their goals in vastly different ways and the results were extremely different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In both cases, money appeared to be a catalyst in order to achieve public stature. Pip and Gatsby utilized money and prestige as a means of obtaining the women they desired. Everybody wishes to be rich and famous at one point in life, but few actually achieve it. History imparts us with evidence that money cannot buy happiness, but rather can corrupt peoples morals, and ethics. In conclusion, happiness that lies within is far greater than any superficial, temporary happiness that money can purchase. 1228 words Works Cited Dickens, Charles. “Great Expectations'; Penguin Classics, 1996 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. “The Great Gatsby'; Matthew J. Brucolli and Samuel J. Lanahan, 1991 Downey Jr., Robert. Rodman, Dennis.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Maxine Hong Kingston and the Search for Identity :: Biography Biographies Essays

Maxine Hong Kingston and the Search for identity Maxine Hong Kingston is in search of herself. She tries to find herself as a woman in a man's world, as a Chinese in America, and, as a daughter instead of a son. In all her writings one can see her search for her identity. One can feel her rebellion to convention, her need to break the barriers of society, her desire to make a perfect world where everyone is treated as an equal. But most of all her writings depict her as a strong and proud woman who is willing to battle against convention and society to preserve her convictions Kingston is on a search to find her identity. She tries to find herself as a Chinese in American society. There is a struggle within herself to distinguish that which is Chinese from that which is American. Kingston tries to find herself and her voice in America. She says, "We American-Chinese had to whisper to make ourselves American feminine. Apparently we whispered even more softly than the Americans."(Kingston 714) Kingston tries to make herself fit into American society by "...invent(ing) an American-feminine speaking personality."(Kingston 714) She writes that she needed an "American-feminine" personality to have dates. A deep rooted insecurity can be sensed in Kingston. She does not believe in her own attractiveness. She feels a need to become another person to be accepted in American society. She's incapable of attracting dates but her invented personality can. Though Kingston is on a quest to find herself there seems to be a conflict in her mind between the person she really is and the person she wants to become. In "Silence" she talks of her desire to have an American sounding voice. In the essay "Woman Warrior" Kingston dreams of herself as a female avenger, taking revenge on the society that denied her family and herself happiness. She sees herself as a strong, capable, ruthless warrior--- almost a man. Kingston is unhappy with the person that she is. She seems to be unable to meet her expectations of herself. The writer struggles to deal with the person she is and the person she aspires to be. Though she tries to find herself , she cannot find her place, and her voice in America. Kingston searches for her voice in America yet she becomes almost mute. She writes that as a child she used to cover her pictures in black.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Keeping Animals in Zoos

On Sunday afternoons in every major city many families go to the zoo with kids. They always have a lot of fun, see many rare animals, funny monkeys, tall giraffes, huge elephants and cute koalas. But what is going on with animals? On the one hand, animals are safe in zoos, which means they cannot be hurt in their cages. Secondly, animals have enough food, for example, they can always eat in a zoo, while they may be starving in nature. Furthermore, many poachers kill animals for their skin, fur and meat, but they cannot do it to animals in zoos. What is more, there are many species that are almost exterminated, but zoos help them reproduce and keep their species existing. The last but not least, if the natural habitat of some species is destroyed, ruined or is no longer for living in, zoos make cages that look exactly like the natural habitat. On the other hand, animals are kept away from their natural place of living. For instance, lions can never live in Berlin. Another major disadvantage of keeping animals imprisoned is too much noise and stress for them. Many people come to see them. For example, kids come near the cages and tease them, so they have a very stressful life unlike their natural way of living. Not to mention the fact that animals are not free. They are trapped in their cells like in prisons. In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos and everyone is to judge by himself. However, before that think about yourself being kept in a cage and being seen just as an amusement!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Biological Criminal Behavior Essay

Biology contri preciselyes to killers. As muckle in todays society, we atomic number 18 invariably being bombarded with the crazy actions that mankind is undecided of. We watch the news and hear around murders, or even read a book ab experience in a clandestine killer. As we go through these pieces of reality, angiotensin-converting enzyme cleart help exclusively be struck by the designwhat causes a soul to act so violently? There obligate been legion(predicate) studies wear downe to try and find an answer. For a crime such as successive killing, there atomic number 18 two minds. The setoff idea is that serial killing is caused by an ab mean(prenominal)ity in the frontage lobe of the header. The chip idea is that serial killers ar bred by circumstance which means they hold back definite genes also cognise as the shun gene that makes them devoted to becoming a killer. Ted Bundy was a serial killer who had confessed to more(prenominal) than 30 killings but many a nonher(prenominal) great circularize believe that the number was actually neargonr to 100 (, 2013).For the most part, Ted Bundy had a more or less normal besides a some bumps in the road. Theodore Robert Co surface more commonly recognisen as Ted Bundy was natural on November 24th, 1946 to Eleanor Louise Cowell (The Predator, n.d.). Because Ted was born out of wedlock, his mother had her p bents act similar they were Teds biological p atomic number 18nts. Eleanor Cowell then acted as if she were Teds sister. However, there argon speculations that Ted was conceived out of an incestuous relationship between Eleanor and her get down (The Predator, n.d.). These speculations scram never been proven though. When Ted was near four old age old, his sister, Eleanor and him locomote to Washington State where Eleanor married Johnnie Bundy. Ted Bundy had a fairly close relationship to his granddad/father even though the grandfather suffered from some anger iss ues. However, there were non any forms of abuse ever describe (The Predator, n.d.). As a teenager, Bundy began spying on women in his neighborhood as well as breaking in to volumes homes in order to lift valuables (The Ted Bundy Website, n.d.).In 1966, charm attending the University of Washington, Bundy met a woman by the name of Stephanie stand and he fell in respect with her but their revel was non meant to be. In 1968, Stephanie and Ted broke up and consequently, manyif not all of Bundys victims resembled Stephanie Brooks (The Predator, n.d.). In 1969, while Ted was in the state of Vermont (where he was born) he plant that whom he thought was his sister for so many years was actually his mother (The Predator, n.d.). For most people, the actualization of this would probably destroy them mentally, but for Bundy it dependmed to hold in little to no effect (The Predator, n.d.). close to 1974 is when Bundy began slaying innocent women and it was not until 1978 when he was finally arrested for the last time (, 2013). In order to lure his victims in, he would playact to be injured when a egg-producing(prenominal) was passing by and when they came to aide him, he would smash them over the head with a metal pipe or pry (, 2013). Bundy was considered to be a sexual sidetrack as well as a necrophiliac (The Ted Bundy Website, n.d.). Bundy often left his victims in his domicile until they started to petrify and he was no yearlong able to handle the smell while having sexual intercourse with them.Psychopathic individuals demonstrate a multitude of behaviors that make up this disorder and can sometimes be readily detected unless the individual is measuredly masking these traits. The psychopathic individual is usually incapable of feeling any guilt, self-condemnation or empathy for their anti-social behaviors. They are manipulative with others to kick upstairs their own goals or desires. These individuals do know the di fference between right and impairment but feel that they are lighten from these judgments. They are also actually forgetful in such emotions as love and caring (Schmalleger, 2012).People with psychopathic behaviors are genuinely egocentric and narcissistic because they are unwilling to give up their comforter for the benefit of others, their needs always come first. They generally dont watch over from past experiences and tend to repeat the uniform failed ideas. They hand over difficulty in pursuance a life plan uniform most normal people do. Psychopaths dont accept that there are or should be consequences for their anti-social behaviors (Schmalleger, 2012). Many psychopaths have trouble holding down still employment as they are inclined to outbursts of anger at their worksite with little provocation. They have trouble with interpersonal relationshipsor taking hold team concepts. This leads typically to unsteady finance and difficulty finding new jobs. amative relati onships are especially difficult to exercise if possible at all.They are very good at seeming to be charming and sincere at times. They let on that their own personalities are lacking so they mimic the personalities of those around them to appear normal and to achieve their desires. One of the associated problems with psychopaths is they believe that they can outwit law enforcement officials and will not be caught by them. This may rationalize one reason why these individuals exercise serial crimes (Schmalleger, 2012). Psychopaths do not have delusions or hear voices others dont hear. They live in the real kind-hearteds and dont talk to imaginary persons. Even modern day advancements in these disorders have not produced methods to successfully cross psychopaths. In fact the treatments meant to help them deal with this disorder can empower them and many have fooled the medical profession that they are indeed making progress toward recuperation when in reality they have not c hanged at all (National Institute of health, 2011). sassy research has indicated that there may be methods of identifying traits in pre-adolescent youth that may be treatable before they are adults. The hope is that if these are diagnosed early before adulthood, they can check the anti-social behaviors from occurring. Once a psychopathic person reaches adulthood treatments are of little or no use. One study suggests that these behaviors are transmittable and developed though a childs environment. The study found that about 67% of those youths studied inherited traits such as extreme harshness and emotional instability and the environment they grow up in can refer how they deal with these problems (National Institute of health, 2011). Ted Bundy demonstrated versatile symptoms related to the biological theory of psychology in criminology. Biological theory in crime causation focuses on the human body, evolutionary factors, hormones, inherited genes, and the way the brain has deve loped (Ministry of Justice, 2009).The psychological issues that Ted Bundy possessed are condition, psychopath, antisocial personality disorder, and sublimation. The ruler of conditioning for Ted Bundy was the repetition of deadly assaults on four-year-old women. The repetition of murders allowed Ted Bundy to perfect his crimes. Psychopath principle consists of someone who has a personality disorder, which transforms into other(prenominal) disorder called anti-social disorder. When Bundy and Stephanie Brooks separated, Bundy wasemotionally and mentally destroyed. Anti-social personality disorder is the patterns of disregard for others. Bundy was very antisocial as a child, which subsequent manifested into a sociopath. The principle of sublimation is the process of intellect on symbolic substitute for another (Schmalleger, 2012 p. 129).Ted Bundy fantasized about young women, and would continue to have sexual intercourse with the deceased army corps until the stench was no longer tolerable. In conclusion, serial killers are biologically dissimilar then regular people. They have level brain functions and are genetically prone to becoming a serial killer. The identifiable related contributors to the biological theory of criminology intend low serotonin, neurological defects, malnutrition, anti-social behavior, and environmental contributors. consecutive killers tend to act upon violent actions repayable to their abnormal brain waves in their frontal lobe and prefrontal cortex. As everyone can see from this research, serial killers kill not because of their upbringing, but because of biology. This is why they are known by many experts as biological (2013). Ted Bundy. Retrieved fromhttp// Predator. (n.d.). The Predator Ted Bundy. Retrieved fromhttp// Ted Bundy Website. (n.d.). Bundys Childhood. Retrieved fromhttp// mdare/bundy/tedschildhood.html Retrieved from http//, F. (2012). Criminology (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New island of Jersey Prentice Hall.